
The future of the printed press is on a screen

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How does the printed media look after the tidal wave that occurred after the crisis? It doesn’t look in any way and itis in free fall, just like it was 30 years ago, when the launch of cable television unleashed hell on earth. Then, why shouldn’t anybody worry? Because this has been already happening naturally in the last 20 years, since the internet has been made available for the public. Television, however, is the one that started the decline.


Why should we feel sorry about the current state of the newspapers, when access to information has never been easier, and the only real fear we should feel is whether we will be able or not to select and manage the information we are interested in? In the end, the content delivered by the internet portals or the TV stations on demand will still be written by journalists, by specialized content creators and the way this content will be created will still follow the old rules. There is no other way to present reality, no matter what it is.
For the most nostalgic, we must say that the disappearance of the printed newspaper doesn’t mean the disappearance of print. Print will continue to exist. It will be present in packaging, for example. And, without being ironic, even if classic print will be replaced by digital print, the new signs, texts, barcodes etc. will still be present on a printed substrate and will be deciphered and transformed into texts or images with the help of mobile devices, like it is already beginning to happen.
And, in order to limit the size of the tragedy for those with a predisposition to depression, they should know that with the advent of digital technologies did not burry print, but actually they helped it to be reborn from its own ashes like a Phoenix. The print business is growing and will continue to do so in the next decade. Like in a paradox, digital print did not mean loss of jobs for the technicians. The actual number of employees and companies is growing, and the explanation for this lies in the increasing specialization and the old companies dividing into smaller ones.
There are many explanations and many points of view, but there is only one reality. Print is not going down, but instead it is actually catching high winds. The print industry used to be sustained by books and newspapers with millions of copies each edition. Jobs today don’t count the number of copies by millions, they are in hundreds of thousands at best. But the diversity and the number of the titles have exploded, and that means, in all, profit for the companies with a solid base.
The situation is the same with television. It has been quite a while since commercial audiences continue to drop. Similar to printed media, that lost 90% of the advertising revenues in just a few years. What is next? The television in the format that we know today will disappear and will be replaced by other video formats, filtered and offered on demand online. Television- that once had started to hungrilyeat out of the printed media’s piece of the pie is now being devoured by the internet. And the content that used to be written physically on a piece of paper is today (and will definitely be tomorrow) written on a screen. Be it tablet, smartphone or laptop, we are talking about the same thing. Who complains does it for nothing, it is just about time evolving and technology keeping up. Where and when will it stop? Nowhere, never, because we are talking about another dimension. The dimension of the time lived by other generations.

*Citește și: Ești corupt? Ești norocos, ai șanse mari să câștigi

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