1. What is the main objective of CID Grup? What is the time frame that you have set to achieve it?
Constantin Alupoaei – The main objective of the group is that of promoting Romanian product design. We want to support our members or group initiatives in this field, by means of collaboration and mutual support. We are trying to create an awareness of the fact that together we can accomplish more than we can individually. In this stage, of crystallization of the group, the time has defined only steps in our organizational activity. We wish with all our hearts to say that in the future we will be able to see a normal evolution in the perception and appreciation of Romanian design.
2. What were the relationships between the group founders before this initiative? How will these relationships modify the existence and group activity?
Dragos Dogaru: I can say that a handful of people from this group knew each other already pretty well – what approach in design we have and also each other’s opinions in this field – it may seem an overstatement but a voice with a strong idea behind is clearly heard. This was the reason that we have formed this group. In the future I expect to get to know each other better and to have an improved collaboration between all group members, with a consolidated feeling of belonging in the group.
3. On the 28th of February, the deadline for the external applications to the “limited edition” exhibition was set. How many applications did you have? Are you content with the number?
Dragos Dogaru: Considering that on the 28th we have reached parity between the initial number of members and that of the applications, and we have received applications also after that deadline (19 designers have applied), I can definitely say yes. The interest shown by the designer community for our project can be appreciated.
4. How will the selection be made? Can you nominate the members of the jury?
Dragos Dogaru: The selection is made in a democratic manner; the CID Grup members vote the new applications for the exhibition. In this way we will have by our side designers that have an approach in design that the majority of members appreciates. The voting was made by: Silvia Cornea, Adrian Lupu, Agnes Lukacs, Alexandra Ungurelu, Catălin Mugurel Popa, Gheorghiu Mihnea-Vlad, Vlad Boştină and Dana Boştină, Alupoaei Constantin, Dragoş Dogaru, Gabriel Decebal Cojoc, Irina Florea, Cătălina Ioniţă and Monica Sebestyen, Alina Rizescu and Bogdan Ştefănescu, and after the exhibition the 8 designers that we have selected are now part of the group: Adrian Balcău, Alis Lalu, Andreia Gabriela Popescu, Andrei Ştefănescu and Elena Ştefănescu, Dragoş Motică, Ioana Streza, Roxana Mitarcă.
5. Are there any other association initiatives similar to CID Grup in the Romanian designer’s community? If so, what is the differentiation factor of CID to the rest? How will you collaborate with the other entities?
Constantin Alupoaei – There are other forms of association in Romania. The collaboration with them will come naturally, because we don’t consider them as competition, but rather as organizations of inventorying designers. The differentiation made by CID will be in communication, collaboration and members abilities. By communication we can identify more easily the problems and afterwards we can state the means of solving them. By collaboration we prove that we acknowledge that we belong to a group. Another important differentiation factor of the group is the overall quality of the products manufactured by these designers. Their products are innovative and original. These criteria differentiate a product in relation to another and essentially give the value of the design process. By promoting these characteristics, the group will be distinctive by quality and originality in its messages.
6. How do you see the association? As a form of defending the interests of a community or a collective expression of the growth efforts of those that are part of the association? How is CID Grup positioning itself in this respect?
Dragos Dogaru: A great question – well put in this context. CID Grup intends to be exactly that – a form of defending the interests of a community by the collective expression of our efforts as members of this group.
7. Is CID Grup an open structure to newcomers? How is joining the group being made? Is there a fee for the ones that are part of the group? Please elaborate.
Dragos Dogaru: The collaboration is the focal point of interest of this group, we are an open group and joining it is being made through calls for entries. Joining the group means also supporting the 3 core principles of the group – collaboration, innovation and differentiation, which are at the origin of the group and give us our acronym. At the present time there are no fees, but if the majority will decide it is necessary, we will see in the future.
8. The product designers’ activity is closely connected with working with manufacturers that translate into reality their ideas. Did CID initiate or will initiate contact with manufacturers or their associations? If so, which are the targeted fields?
Constantin Alupoaei – To initiate contacts with various manufacturers and professional associations is an idea that we wish to develop. Promoting designers through national or international exhibitions and fairs will identify potential beneficiaries and manufacturers. We have to show what we can! The targeted field can be varied, starting with furniture, consumer goods, interior decoration, building contractors, etc.
9. Can you exemplify several Romanian design products that are, from your point of view, remarkable? What notoriety do you think these products have and to which target group?
Constantin Alupoaei – Step by step the manufacturers will become aware of the fact that Romanian designers can design commercially viable products. Today such examples are just a few. We hope for the development of managerial skills that will include the awareness of the absolute need of implementing the design process in manufacturing.
10. Which is the most severe constraint that Romanian designers face today? What about the best promotional tool?
Constantin Alupoaei – A correct statement would be – constraints! Plural! We can start with materials, the lack of manufacturing means, the disinterest of manufacturers, the absence of design resellers, the lack of advertisement, etc. The Romanian market is atypical and it did not succeed yet in offering a method of recognition worth following.
11. Why did you choose color as the associating element for the exhibition that CID Grup has initiated? How much did the partnership with Pantone and Grup Transilvae count in creating this exhibition?
Dragos Dogaru: The color, although it may seem common, is the thing that united us, but also in an unexpected manner, supported the initiative. Unity by color, and it did work. Radiant Orchid was the starting point, from a desire to make a group statement and to promote the existence of Romanian product designers on the Romanian design scene, targeting especially the general public, both locally and internationally. We wish to thank Grup Transilvae on this occasion for the involvement and supporting our initiative and for determining Pantone to enter the Romanian design market, through a collateral event of our exhibition – The Pantone Conference, for the first time in Romania. Our project has been appreciated by the Pantone management and we can say that we are glad that we have succeeded in bringing an international involvement in our local initiative.
12. Is “limited edition” an event to repeat? Do you intend to organize a similar event based on other similar associated elements of exhibited products (material, shape, application, etc.)?
Constantin Alupoaei: Of course, we want and we can support that. The interest shown in this exhibition confirms to us the fact that the event must be reiterated. We have agreed in principle a repeated partnership in interpreting color in the products the group designers manufacture. The support that we have received confirms to us the success and motivates us for the future!
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